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Rock Maze

What is Search Engine Optimisation?

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Google and other search engines favour websites that give a great customer experience by rewarding them with higher rankings in search engine result pages. Google operates a “mobile first” approach prioritising websites with the best mobile experience as mobile devices are now the predominant platform used to access the internet.


Search engine optimisation ensures your website effectively presents your business across all platforms resulting in an optimised domain authority and ultimately a better search engine result ranking position. 

How SEO Works

There are over 200 ranking factors to date that Google looks for to determine the ranking position of your website. Key indicators include: 


  • High Quality Content - Are all pages being viewed by your audiences? Do they contain the best keywords for your target audience? Is it frequently updated?  Does it link to other relevant sections within your website?

  • Content Structure & Organisation - Is it easily indexable for Google and scannable for visitors? Can your audience easily navigate to what they want?

  • Backlinks - Relevant backlinks from other websites prove your content is valued.

  • Search intent - Does your content match the level of intent of your audience? Are they ready to purchase now or do they need more reassurance?

  • Loading speed - How fast do your pages load? Slow loading pages or page elements are penalised by Google.

  • Mobile friendliness - Google now judges every website on it’s mobile version so your mobile customer experience must be great! 

  • Domain Authority - This Moz criteria gives every website an “Authority score” based on a number of factors including many of the above. This predicts how a website will rank in a search.

  • Keyword optimisation - Relevant keywords and phrases should be included in your content, headers, page descriptions and image tags to help search engines match your website to a search query.

Benefits of SEO

An optimised website:


  • Attracts more customers through organic search

  • Creates a trustworthy web experience for customers

  • Encourages a business to focus on user experience

  • Improves brand awareness

  • Can be done on a budget

  • Is trackable

  • Benefits other marketing initiatives

How We Work With You

To understand how your website is currently performing, we use a variety of online tools to identify your current domain authority score and pinpoint any under performing areas that we can improve. 

This includes a focus on:



Are your pages and images labelled correctly so that Google and other search engines can find them? Is there much duplicate content on your site? If relevant metatags and meta descriptions are missing it’s usually fairly straightforward to update them - including keywords and phrases of course.  Duplicate content is penalised and directly impacts domain authority.


Keywords and phrases

Alongside a general content review to ensure your messaging is in line with your goals, audience personas and brand voice, we’ll research the most effective keywords and phrases relating to your business, products and services. We'll ensure that they are carefully written into relevant areas of your website and blogs so that search engines can easily match relevant searches with your content.


Content development

Regularly updated blogs, news, faqs, testimonials and case studies all demonstrate to a search engine that your website is current and relevant.


Off page SEO

By reviewing your authentic backlinks and internal links, we'll look for opportunities to make your website work harder to improve your SEO, domain authority and user experience.


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